Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Another year in the books

Every year at this time, I'm always wondering how the year went by so fast. Taryn and I have pretty much finished up our 3rd year of working with the campus ministry at USF. There are a couple small things going on during finals week, but yesterday was our last weekly gathering. There are always a lot of thoughts running through my mind at the end of each year. I think about all the things that took place. I think about the students. Did they grow? Did they make friends and connect with each other and God in new ways? How well was God honored through the ministry? In all of those thoughts and questions, there are always the good things and then the other areas that I know could have been better. So it is with life.

The thing I really appreciate about working with the campus ministry is being able to honestly tell people and know in my heart that I enjoy what I do. I like the change that comes with each semester. I like being around and working with people. And having been involved with ministries on the campus for a number of years as I student, I know the value of it. It's just nice to be able to combine my faith with service in an environment I love being in.

So another year is in the books. It was fun and brought a lot of good memories ... like the picture above from our Fall retreat. If we had an award for "Picture of the Year", I think that would have been it. So thank you Kyle, Phil and Josh for that moment in time (as odd as it was to see you in those outfits) and to all of you who helped shape my life and faith through the ministry this year.


Blogger Rachel said...

And thank you John, for your time and your commitment to this ministry. And for your faith and your friendship, as well as Taryn's. You both mean so much to me. Thank you for answering God's call to ministry. You both have truly been a blessing to me and to so many others. Also, Senior day for softball is Sunday and hopefully Nicole will be playing! So come out if you get a chance.

5:30 PM  
Blogger John V said...

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12:20 AM  
Blogger John V said...

Tarn had mentioned that to me, so hopefully we'll see you out there on Sunday. Thanks for the kind words and looking forward to having you back in the area!

12:22 AM  

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