Sanctuary in the church?

Have you seen this story about the illegal immigrant who has sought sanctuary in a Chicago church to avoid deportation? It's about a week old, but it's interesting, polarizing, a little odd and thought-provoking all at the same time. So many questions come out of this. Is illegal immigration a cut-and-dry issue and a problem that needs to be seriously addressed? (I lean to 'yes' on this) Should there be exceptions for people who come here illegally, but only to work hard and seek a better life for their family? Can we really identify these cases on a consistent basis? What about proposed amnesty programs? Should we even consider amnesty programs when so many illegals are responsible for many serious crimes? Should the church be involved at all? Should the church ever be a sanctuary for illegal activity of this kind, where lives are not threatened or in any real sense of danger?
thanks for talking about this issue. I have NO IDEA how i feel about it but it makes me think, so thanks.
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