Al Gore's new movie,
An Inconvenient Truth, has premiered at the Sundance film festival and is scheduled to be released in select theaters later this month. Not surprising, it's received immense praise from Hollywood and mainstream media who are ever ready to latch on to the latest liberal cause (feel free to substitute the word 'agenda' for 'cause').
Funny how the media and liberals (which, in many cases, are synonymous) jump at every turn to criticize President Bush for "scaring" people on the terrorism issue, yet alarmism and doom are the foundation for much of liberal thought on a wide variety of issues. They excel at creating victims and making people look at themselves as such. Victims of racism (the immigration debate is headed there), victims of the economy (whether it's good or bad), victims in the education debate, victims in labor/work issues - they thrive on creating victims. And now victims of global warming. Global warming is the ideal issue because they don't have to focus on special interest groups. Now, if you live on earth, you too can be a victim.
Please understand that this issue is not something that I feel we can just discard and not worry about. And I also believe in the principle of conservation and respect for the earth God has given us to inhabit. But much of the fanfare for this movie comes from the same people who champion Michael Moore as an icon of truth and accuracy. I don't believe in the inflated claims that
An Inconvenient Truth allegedly puts forth, namely that the earth as we know it will be in chaos in 10 years if their ridiculous cut-back proposals aren't met. I also believe that the entire issue of global warming is still open to debate, which is a far cry from the consensus group-think you hear about, read about, and could well imagine based on Google searches on the issue.
I've included links to a few articles on this. Richard Lindzen is a professor of atmospheric science at MIT. Check out this
article he wrote for the Wall Street Journal. Here's another good
article from Tom Bethell. For a much more detailed scientific approach, check out this
essay. Links to different sections of the argument are on the left-hand side of the site. The page I've linked to also includes a
select list of scientists who oppose this alleged consensus on global warming. One of the best parts of this essay is that it directly addresses the weakness of connecting recent hurricane activity to global warming, as does Richard Lindzen's article. For more info on qualified scientists who disagree with the imminent global warming doom, do an internet search for Dr. Frederick Seitz and The Oregon Petition.
And just for fun, here's a list of some documented
lies Al Gore told during his campaign for President. I must admit, I enjoy the irony in the title of his movie.
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