Sorry, again, that it's been so long since I've posted. And sorry that my last post was just telling you about Eddie Griffin. Did it really do anyone any good to know that happened? Probably not. Anyway, let me get you caught up on what's been going on lately.
The last month has been pretty busy. I worked a couple of baseball camps with the Devil Rays. My friend, Brian, who works for the club and also runs these camps helps me out by letting me work these. It's great part-time work for me because of the flexibility I have during the summer in working on a college schedule with the campus ministry. The camps only run from 9am-noon each day, which still leaves me the afternoon and early evening to go to the office and get other work done. Did I mention that they're held indoors at Tropicana field (out of the heat) and we're paid well?? Thanks Brian!
The ministry I serve with at USF (Impact) has been working together with a couple other ministries (Intervarsity and Chi Alpha) to help with the Freshmen Orientations this summer. Each orientation brings in between 400 and 700 new students who'll be starting this Fall and we're running one of the main activities for their "Late Night" social event. Basically, "Late Night" is 2-3 hours of entertainment for the students and some of the things going on include a live band, pool tournament, comic and game show. We're putting on a coffee house/lounge/open mic event. It's been a great experience and I hope we get the chance to do it again next year.
A couple weeks ago, Taryn & I went home to visit her family in Jacksonville for the weekend. While we were there, I had the chance to drive down to St. Augustine and golf at the World Golf Village and Hall of Fame. My friend Josh and I (again, thanks to Brian) played the Slammer & The Squire course for free. Beautiful course! The layout is great because average players like myself can still shoot a decent score. I'm happy shooting bogey-golf (90 on a typical par 72 course) and I shot an 88. It actually should have been better. I three-putted 4 times on the front 9 alone! The greens were lightning fast compared to anything I've played on. It was like putting on a marble floor! In spite of my horrible putting, I had a great time. Can you really beat playing a course like that for free?? No, especially not when a round there typically costs more than $100.
Finally, Taryn & I just celebrated our 4th anniversary last weekend. We went and stayed at the Tradewinds Hotel on St. Pete beach for a couple nights. The weather was great except for about an hour of rain each on Friday and Saturday night. Also, we had one of the best meals I've ever eaten at a place called
Snappers! I'll probably tell you more about it in another post.
That pretty much catches you up. More on
Snappers coming soon.